Smart Palm .. Free Internet for everyone in Dubai Gardens

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Smart Palm

Smart Palm

In the framework of the Dubai government plan to transform the emirate into the first smart city in the world, the Dubai Municipality yesterday launched the first “smart Palm Project” which provides public gardens free Internet service.

And distributed “smart Palm” in Zabeel and Mamzar and Al Khor Gardens and Musharraf, to provide goers gardens high-speed wireless Internet service.

52 Palm also will enable all visitors from charging smart phones and computers, and also allows them to download movies and programs and conduct electronic conversations by contact with the World Wide Web property without any cost

The basic idea of ​​”smart Palm”, which is the largest project in the Middle East, finding sites in public parks public can be obtained on the “Wi-Fi” service across device designed shape of palm trees to connect the past with the present, on the grounds that this tree is a symbol of heritage, history and good in a humanitarian message for all which link the past with the present, even if in the form of an interview.

The services provided by the Municipality via Smart palms 52, Wi-Fi or wireless connection for smartphones or computer tablets, over a radius of 53 meters, and a capacity to link with 50 people at the same time, in addition to that every Palm equipped with 12 outlet for charging phones different types of modern phones.

Smart Palm also provided through private comfort of the seats and tables that make it easier for everyone to deal with modern technology quietly and promoted, as it is also equipped with a large screen enables the public to know everything related to the Emirate of Dubai and the most important landmarks and how to get to parks, markets and places for recreation and tourism.

Also it provides smart goers Palm Gardens coordinates the weather and all this by touch without any trouble to the user.

Municipal supported Palm smart cameras to serve the public so that they can get to know the needs of visitors and their localities, and thus work to direct them to other places, as well as an explanation of each and pamphlets activities organized by the municipality in the garden through the headphones present in each palm.

In addition to the above, there are in all of Palm Two screens show documentaries for municipal and promotions to them, as well as offer some propaganda that serves the economic movement in the emirate, and the declarations of some national products.

The work on this project took 10 consecutive months, a cooperation between Dubai Municipality and du Telecom and “DI friendly” to the media.

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