Le Paradis French Kitchen New Innovative Menu

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Le Paradis French Kitchen

Le Paradis French Kitchen

More restaurants in Dubai and offer a lot of gourmet and those seeking a destination makes them relax and they ate their food calmly and tranquility, and among these restaurants is worthwhile to remind you today Le Paradis French Kitchen.

New menu for Restaurant Le Paradis French Kitchen is designed to be your prospect in love French cuisine with broad composition of Parisian dishes. The restaurant offers a special and crucial for students in Dubai, and is a great place to spend time with family and friends and relax at the beach complex in Jumeirah Beach Residence area.

Le Paradis French Kitchen

Can for food lovers in Dubai to enjoy the new additions to the menu, which includes fresh salmon Tertar who served with coriander and soy sauce with fresh mint and mango, or fattened goose liver fried in the pan with the onion and Convey figs and balsamic sauce.

And the chef specializes in the preparation of grilled lamb chops which is provided with mashed potatoes and a variety of fresh vegetables and delicious juices. As for wanting to eat light dishes, quinoa salad full of flavors, coriander and mint and pomegranate with basil and lemon sauce, or the famous French Salad Nicoise with white tuna, cherry tomatoes and sweet peppers and black olives.

For meat lovers, Le Paradis French Kitchen Restaurant offers delicious sandwiches, burgers record of Angus beef, and salmon, and chicken, and vegetarian burgers, along with power and fried potatoes. And red meat lovers will be happy to taste sliced ​​beef with fresh lettuce and tomatoes and fried potatoes, with Byarenaz sauce, or pepper or mashed potatoes.

Le Paradis French Kitchen

And for lovers of sweets share in the new list. Ice Cream Le Paradis French Kitchen record on the way home, and the French apple pie with salted butter caramel sauce, whipped or burned along with vanilla ice cream flavor. And sits on the throne sweets, chocolate cake dissolved Alnogh cream served with vanilla ice cream flavor, and bananas, and notela and whipped cream, for the meal more sweetness.

The students will receive a discount in Dubai 25% when the student brought their card.

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