How To Get Rid of Flatulence And Gas Forever?

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How To Get Rid of Flatulence And Gas Forever?

How To Get Rid of Flatulence And Gas Forever?

The most common problems experienced by women is a problem common flatulence and the rise the abdomen, which can cause the form of distorting her body and beauty Overlooking and which do not belong to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area

But because of the gases that lead to the emergence of a sense of bloating and abdominal annoyingly which may have tried a lot of remedies to get rid of them, but it was all to no avail.

Not despair , we’ll let you know today best treatments that you have used and useful, which let you get rid of gas and flatulence .

Avoid sugar

Feed on bacteria and fungi directly on the sugars and multiply when the environment becomes acidic. When sugar intake , the acidity in the digestive tract is affected by the level of sugar in addition to causing damage to the mucus in the intestine which makes the digestive system less efficient and begin unwanted toxins by infiltrating through the intestinal wall, leading to get the swelling.

Avoid bread

Bread is an essential element of a private cause stomach gas that contains high levels of sugar in addition to the yeast used to make bread to ferment, which is a form of fungus which causes pressure on the digestive system. If you like you are the bread and you have a belly sensitive Choose bread well brewed and rich seeds and nuts.

Avoid antibiotics

Antibiotics are a distinctive forms of fungi, but frequent and prolonged use contributes to the collapse of her immune system with the passage of time, which leads to a malfunction in the functions of the intestine and creates a vicious cycle in the body of difficult to treat.

Avoid soft drinks

Contain large amounts of sugar and carbon dioxide which also contain some form of carbonates and when it is addressed gas pills are formed inside the intestine, colon and produces a state of belching and wind as well as to contain phosphoric acid, which produces a burning sensation when you drink it and alter pH levels and creates the perfect acidic environment for fungi.

Avoid beer

Contain a large amount of yeast used in the composition, manufacture, which is also cause allergies and flatulence dramatically so it is best avoided.

The cure for flatulence and gases is to stay away from these foods and substances that cause swelling as to remind one of these treatments, which can contribute to help in case I was swollen belly:

Teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water.

You can use sparkling available in pharmacies.

Or natural herbs eating anise, chamomile, fenugreek.

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