How to choose the right hotel for you in the new destination?

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How to choose the right hotel for you in the new destination?

Your choice of place of residence in the holiday can increase your enjoyment or disturbs the entire trip. So why choose is far from the tourist attractions Hotel has come mainly for it, and why you eat in the hotel and you have the Bar of the coexistence of the local population in public restaurants .. But how do you choose the right hotel? Follow these tips to get to the answer.

Your choice of place of residence in the holiday can increase your enjoyment or disturbs the entire trip

Compare prices

Better for you to shop for the best accommodation prices in several different locations new destination. Do not forget to contact the hotels directly because this may give you the best rates when booking direct. You’ll also speak with Hotel services for the anticipated cuts and sign up for e-mail messages in hotel services, which in turn will alert you to the best first performances

Hotel facilities

You have to decide what facilities and facilities that will be needed by the hotel, for example, do you really need to use the gym every day? important is booking the hotel with the facilities and services that will be used in earnest in fact only, so do not pay a lot of money for things you do not need


Order on the cost of meals and whether meals were local cheaper than food hotel the extent of your studies to your destination correctly. For example, meals in Asia can be purchased cheaply incredible so it is absurd to pay $ 15 for a breakfast hotel, but some places may be more expensive hotel and eating meals can be a good choice.

Hotel location

Check out local transport and whether they are close to the hotel where you are staying or not. Experts says that the rooms in the center of major cities, which may be smaller with fewer facilities but closer to what you’re much better than a large room many facilities but far from all the attractions that have come to her.

Star Hotels

Well let’s make it clear that the stars differ from one classification to another and there is no global rating unified for hotels on the basis of the stars, but there is a clear convergence of classification, although varied, and the difference we say that the three-star hotel in Geneva different from the hotel with three-star New York, as well as the hotel is two stars in London differs from the two star hotel in Cairo, for example, due to the strict laws and regulators and agreed to by the hotel establishments with licensed sectors of hotels in each country.

But let’s start accommodation one-star and is basically a service that offers rooms without TV and refrigerator, as it is a change of towels and sheets in the rooms every four days often, may be forced guest to use shared bathrooms in the various floors, and of course there will be a restaurant or cafe in hotel or lounge sports, but canned food and drink machines may be available.

Star hotel has be similar to the one of the star, but more than the possibility of a refrigerator TV and telephone in the rooms, as well as a private bathroom for each room and there is usually a small restaurant or cafe to serve guests, but it does not work around the clock and towels are changed and blankets every two days or more .

The hotel has a three-star are the rooms where equipped with all of the above in the two star, in addition to having room service and the WiFi to connect to the Internet, a restaurant, a cafe and lounge small sport normally and business center services, and the system of internal phone to communicate with the front desk, you can also provide other services in exchange for fee does not include the price of the room, such as ironing and cleaning or extra bed parking and so on.

Hotels four-star where the above in addition to a larger suites of rooms and room service around the clock, and usually the staff at the highest efficiency and speak different languages, in addition of course to the gym and the largest swimming pool, cafes and restaurants serving different tastes in the world, is also available basic services in the rooms of Ironing, cleaned and provide parking for guest service.

Five-star hotels which is of course the highest levels of classification are usually available on the indoor or external or both pool, are also available on the dining room service around the clock as well as personalized service where keen staff on reception guest at the hotel entrance and welcoming him while another employee to complete entry procedures.

Star hotels as well as available on the limousine of the hotel service, as well as the personal assistant of the “concierge” who guides you to the places you need in the city’s service and usually what is known as crypts and distinctive places is published in the directory for the city, and the fact that the service in the five-star hotel provide or trying to provide everything needed by guest guest.

Big hotel

Family Friendly Hotels

Look at the most convenient hotels for your family. Even late at night if you are traveling with your family you do not need a hotel with a nightclub works.


Check the hotel deals online, and travel forums and ask all family members and colleagues counseling for feedback about the destination and hotels.

just ask

Try to ask about the days of free accommodation or free meal, especially if you’re a regular visitor or you’re celebrating a special occasion.

Ask an experienced

Usually the possibility of leaving the opinion and comment in the reservation sites available after the hotel stay and experience the different services it and this serves as a certificate from another guest talks about how witness himself, and is considered one of the most important factors in the selection of online hotels, and you can see the classification, which leaves the user from 1 to 10 as well as read the detailed comments and views on the net for an opinion to be clear about the hotel you are planning to live in it.

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