8 Nature reserves in UAE

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Marawah Island

8 Nature reserves in the UAE

UAE Rich with multiple goods environment fertile, natural resources biological longer national wealth must be preserved, so it was the direction of UAE to create a specific space and be under the supervision of the competent bodies under the auspices and protection of animals and rare plants threatened with extinction, and the imposition of the Prevention fishing for these many rare species laws nature reserves animals such as the Arabian oryx, mountain gazelle, Arabian wolf, red foxes, otters sand, wild rabbits and cats, and some types of reptiles, and the number of nature reserves in the UAE, 21 nature reserves, which occupies 7% of the country.

Sir Bani Yas Island

Sir Bani Yas Island

Island lies 240 kilometers from Abu Dhabi, which is made up of three main areas: green spaces, which covers more than half of the area of ​​which are spread by Sidr forests and acacia trees Alarak making it safe for wildlife habitat such as the Arabian Oryx and giraffes, llamas, birds, resident and migratory, while the second section is covered with forests and water entrances Crimean coastal areas, and the third section covered with trees, which includes nests of migratory birds such as ostriches and African Houbara Bustard, as protected containing orange groves, apple, olive and palm trees and tamarind.

Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary

Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary

Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary at the end of the Dubai Creek, with a protected area of 6.2 square kilometers, which was established in 1998 and is a protected includes a large number of animals up to 226 species, and 47 species of plants, and is famous for its protected mangrove trees that work to repel wind and soil stabilization and protection of beaches of natural disasters, as protected includes a large number of invertebrate animals such as worms and slugs, which saves the environment and food appropriate for flamingos in large numbers.



Reserve located in the mafraq area, which lies 40 kilometers south east of Abu Dhabi Island, which is home to many natural and artificial lakes in most of its territory, and is characterized by protected multiplicity of environments between salty environment and fresh and desert, and which respect both of which animals and birds suitable to live in, is a bird of flamenco of the most important bird reserve, which exist in large numbers reached 1,500 birds, in addition to the long-tailed plover birds, ducks and sea birds such as ducks Curlew, with different types of reptiles and small mammals such as rabbits and hedgehogs.

Bu Tinah Island

Bu Tinah Island

It characterized by the diversity of biological rich despite the harsh climate of the Arab Gulf region, but it is ranked 28 in the oddity of the seven nature of competition, which includes coral reefs multiple colors with floating mangrove trees in the water, and swim where sea turtles endangered species such as the turtle hawksbill and green turtle, and flying above sea birds such as the osprey and the great flamenco

Marawah Island

Marawah Island

It was announced in 2001 as a nature reserve in Abu Dhabi, which is located about 120 kilometers from the capital, with an estimated area to 9255 square kilometers, and includes the protected coastal environmental components and other soaked in water, with seaweed and mangroves and sea cows on the island coast spread, as can be enjoy views of the gentle marine dolphins in the water, with colonies of migratory birds and resident.

Almmermor Reserve

Almmermor Reserve

Spread their herds of camels and Arabian oryx deer, rabbits and hawks fly overhead prey, and live on a large number of protected animals and rare birds, which was stressed and control to prevent hunting by visitors.

Zlama Reserve

Zlama Reserve

Announced a nature reserve in 2007, was so named because the density of the trees where the large size which prevents the arrival of the sun to its territory, and has protected the environment from the dunes and the estimated area of ​​966 square meters, which includes an environmentally diversity of wild animals and plants, such as long-Ghaf trees , as he lives Ghazal rare and endangered species which live in herds consisting of 100 deer in most of the territory of the Arabian Peninsula, also includes the protected rare animal called sand fish, which animal feet facilitate him crawling on the sand, as well as the Ethiopian hedgehog, which represents another diversity of life on Zlama Reserve .

Kalba Reserve

Kalba Reserve

There Sharjah where stretches of Sweet Valley to the sea in the direction of Khor Kalba on the Oman coast, and includes protected Sidr, and many kinds of rare birds such as waterfowl Kalplhun trees, white and Halcyon, also features a marine turtles, crabs and sea snails and green turtles.

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