Dubai Food Festival kicks off a meal events the weekend

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Dubai Food Festival kicks off a meal events the weekend

Dubai Food Festival kicks off a meal events the weekend

starts today the third edition of the Dubai Food Festival, to devote Dubai the capital of culinary arts in the region, where he will be able to audience and lovers of cooking during the festival, which runs until March 12 next, to learn the latest cooking techniques and the latest flavors and tastes in the world, in addition to the chance to meet astronauts and celebrities culinary world ..

As well as eliminate the sweetest times with family and eating delicious dishes and enjoy the many recreational events provided by the festival for residents and tourists alike, which, with a chance to win valuable prizes. With the end of the holiday this week, it is considered the Dubai Food Festival, which is organized by the Dubai Foundation for festivals and retail, one of the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing institutions ..

Destinations of choice among many where lovers can Food and families resident and tourists coming to the emirate to enjoy the most beautiful times through distinctive set of experiments provided Festival schedule Dubai Food for the holiday, which begins with the effectiveness of the «canteen beach sponsored CONTACTS» which returned to Kite Beach new look filled with wonderful activities ..

Which receives Hits list of the most famous chefs who will Offers cooking live full benefit of all, and consists chefs team of celebrities «Master Chef» «George Kalombars» program, and «Gary Mahajan», and «Manu Feldl» star «Mai Kitchen Rwolz» program, and «Matt Moran» and «Shannon Bennett, who will be present on February 27.


It will be the festival lovers on a date with «Week Dubai Restaurants» which runs until March 5 next, and it meets 30 fine dining restaurant from all parts of the city under the umbrella of the Week Dubai restaurants, to give all of them the list of distinct food composed of three exclusive dishes, and starring Week Dubai restaurants offer special and exclusive global delicacies in the outdoors to be a wonderful opportunity for residents and visitors and lovers of luxury foods to experience the flavors of the world in the list of exclusive fun experience with friends and family group.

With the Stars

The festival also includes the effectiveness of the «banquet dining with the stars» in which fans get distinctive flavors on the exclusive opportunity to eat delicious dinners prepared by chefs and global presence of many VIPs. It offers in the Pavilion Hall, Armani Hotel – Burj Khalifa.

While witnessing the festival tomorrow to establish the effectiveness of «Table Dubai long sponsored by Dodge», which starts at 12:30 pm to be prepared longest dining table equipped Boulevard Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid in Downtown Dubai offers a thousand visitors enjoy one of three menus, which consists of six dishes Introduction of a group of cooks and Resorts title «» and «Vida».

8 cooks

The day after tomorrow starts the effectiveness Fatafeat kitchen which is considered one of the free annual events during the festival, where visitors will be able to meet with eight chefs from the kitchen Fatafeat over two days at the Galeries Lafayette in Dubai Mall. These include Hits offers cooked alive by the chefs kitchen «Fatafeat» and question and answer session with the chefs and the chance to taste the delicious dishes and join private competitions amazing. And shine a select group of international chefs on the platform event

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