10 Tips For Managing Remote Teams

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Remote Teams

Remote Teams
While expanding companies globally, the number of employees deployed increasingly in teams separated by long distances, something that poses enormous challenges to the departments of different types;  online Communication lose work some formal features, in addition to what is missing companies toward that of clear policies how remote management. Here are 10 tips for managers, in order to learn how to make the best use of their work on their remote teams:

1. Be in constant contact with the team:

Maybe cause telework in the sense of isolation, so do not make your team members feel  be on their constant contact. Do not talk to them about all the daily duties, but went on to ask how they and their moods and social lives.

2. Hold individual meetings regularly, and with the whole team also:

This should be done using technical means such as: group video calls and social networking sites, or even through (Skype), or meeting face to face once or twice a year at least. Even if the company is working to reduce its expenses, these meetings are worth the money spent in order to build strong relations at work.

3. Encourage informal conversations:

Human social in nature, and people tend to think ill with others that did not disclose their intentions. To assist in building close relationships between staff, encouraged the team members to reveal their feelings, and to give up as much as possible for formalized during the conversation.

4. Move employees from one location to another:

To be able to break down barriers between team members, try to make each and every one of them goes on a brief period of time in the company’s other locations.

5. Be creative in closer ties with the staff:

A good example of this: a ceremony in honor of the team after the systems to perform tasks and achieve its objectives, and initiated by sending a small gift to the members of your team, and make every one of them open them at the same time during a group video call.

6. Take the “time difference” seriously:

While teams are spread throughout the world, you have the possibility of not always available to meet some or all of the team members. So, change the dates of meetings each week to ensure that the deadline be appropriate for some employees, so they do not have to get up early all the time, or return to their homes late.

7. Shepherd cultural differences:

It is very important that you be aware of the diversity of cultures around him, especially when dealing with the work of the team members are spread all over the world. So, you should pay attention to cultural differences in the team, and encourage them to get to know each other’s cultures. For example: If a staff sent a short and direct messages to other members of the team; they may see it as offensive to them if they are not familiar with the nature of the culture, and perhaps dealing with similarly well.

8. Strengthened relationships between team members old and new:

If you receive management interdependent task force, which has existed for a long time and its members in harmony and harmonious, let it be known to have such teams can create greater barriers while working remotely with new and familiar members, individuals in a team-based long ago, are reluctant to share information with others .

So should strengthen ties within the same team, and the appointment of a new employee in each work site.

9. Ensure a common understanding on appointment:

While intend employment, look for the people who worked in an international scale and have previous similar experiences. It is not necessary that there is a similarity in the nature of the culture they have, but at the level of training activities and working on similar projects, and in terms of academic certificates as well.

10. Deal wisely with expectations:

Perhaps the team members expect to get certain jobs, such as moving to work in the headquarters of the company at some point. How motivated? What do you do if someone better to do? You have to deal with these aspects using existing human resources department, and learn from the start what you can offer to your employees always.

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