Opening The largest Covered Butterfly Garden in Dubai

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Butterfly Park

Butterfly Park

Opened, the day before yesterday in Dubai, the largest butterflies covered park in the world and includes 26 species of butterflies from several different countries of the world on an area of 4400 square meters, consists of nine domes, each of which has a different color, is a world apart contains large groups butterflies and roses

Area covered an estimated 2600 square meters, where butterflies fly in various colors and forms and sizes over a range of flowers, plants and about visitors who are prohibited from ahold of it.

The temperature of the area covered constant throughout the year, and is estimated at 24 ° C, indicating that it is completely non-smoking or eating, running or trying to catch butterflies hand inside the area covered, it must use specialists within the park for those who wanted contact with butterflies.

In regards to feed the butterflies by visitors, says: There are certain places to feed the butterflies visitor can see that it deals with their food, to be able to see the life of butterflies cycle, and the stages of transformation is stunning, but is not allowed to intervene in the matter, Valvrachat very sensitive organism, and their wings like silk , so you must take into account not get ahold of it the wrong way.

The project includes a cafe and a museum of butterflies which displays thousands of species of butterflies and insects from all over the world, and a gift shop, where visitors can choose souvenirs from a large group of butterflies structures, in addition to the flowers mimic the designs of butterflies, and ponds of fish. The park is open from 10 am to 5 pm, due to the activity of diurnal butterflies, not a night, but ticket prices to enter the adult and young Fetapth estimated AED 50 per person.

Confirms that they are going to open the bird garden, and other fish in the month of November, and this will be different parks, and distinct from the rest of the gardens in terms of supply, and the diversity of species of birds and fish.

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