The Most Beautiful Engagement Rings Studded With Square Diamond

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Beautiful Engagement Rings

Beautiful Engagement Rings

We are accustomed to see engagement rings traditional form, any studded stone of polished diamonds are mostly round, because the circuit is generally reflect the trust and commitment and eternal love. But today new dimensions and introduce you to a new level of engagement rings, a type of stone studded polished diamonds are square or rectangular. You find this kind of rings in many of the most important designers of the Worlds and brands, and Introduce you to the most important pieces in the world.

Beautiful Engagement Rings

Beginning with a record-breaking ring because of the size of the diamond studded, which amounts to 100.20 carats. This piece will be displayed at an auction Sotheby distinctive public in New York during the current month of April, has been described as carrying a splendid diamond in the world, where none existed before. This diamond is also characterized by rows of distinctive white and the degree of purity, which are recorded on the D scale diamond, which is the purest grade. It is estimated that the price of this piece is between 19 and 25 million USD.

Beautiful Engagement Rings

Global designer David Morris offers a distinctive ring studded in dire polished rectangular above, and weighing 11.04 carats. Surrounding this urgent sides of two pieces of polished diamonds in the triangle piece of beauty essential. Do not forget that the ring made of white gold diamond which enhances color and shine.

Beautiful Engagement Rings

As for the brand De Beers, providing us this brand engagement ring is very special, a diamond encrusted stone painted yellow to orange italics. These critical features rows of the Orient, which reminds us of the colors of the sun at sunset and romantic moments experienced by at the moment of offering the young man to ask for the hand of his beloved. Surrounded by stone from both sides of white diamonds with a triangle increases the luster and beauty of the ring. This piece is made of platinum and white, which is reflected nicely with the color orange urgent.

Beautiful Engagement Rings

Give us a brand De Beers De Beers also another ring studded with stone diamond in yellow light and polished box, was designed to ring very simple manner without any stones beside him to give way to the foundation stone of the highlights in a clear manner. Total weight of 4.03 carats this stone, and the structure is made of yellow gold, which fits perfectly with the color of the urgent.

Beautiful Engagement Rings

Go back to the white diamond ring with a distinctive design of Kuwait studded stone of polished diamonds are oblong, strongly purity and brightness features. This stone is surrounded on both sides smaller diamonds with rectangular. Total weight of 10.10 carats diamond moderation.

Beautiful Engagement Rings

Finally we come to the ring design Graff, characterized his style full of luxury and breathtaking beauty. Mediates this ring of yellow stone diamond polished square, and a distinctive turquoise and bright similar to bright sunlight. Total weight of 36.23 carats, this stone, surrounded by a distinctive design studded with white diamonds, which increases the brightness and beauty.

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