Best Sweets Shops in Dubai

Written by
Edo Sweets


Desserts loved by young adults , If you are lovers of chocolate and sweets as loved a lot and I’m one of them, Vanma this topic Plan for You have chosen you distinctive places in Dubai offers desserts only and nothing else, with coffee or tea certainly coupled with a fantastic sessions to enjoy with the tastiest desserts dishes.

 Hummingbird Bakery

Hummingbird Bakery

This small shop offers all kinds of cakes and cupcakes and Brownie.
Walk in the City – Mall of the Emirates Dubai – Mall



Of the world’s most famous shops of chocolate and sweets and perhaps fame as a result of serious quality of the chocolate provided by this wonderful store that.
Walk in the City – the Beach

Magnolia Bakery

Magnolia Bakery

Sweets in this store have a taste of their own there is no place in Dubai offers sweets as provided by Magnolia Bakery.
Dubai Mall – the Beach

 Gossip Café & Dessert

Gossip Café & Dessert

This place is characterized by great diversity in desserts that are already fantastic with a very stylish sessions.
Park in the Box

 Edo Sweets

Edo Sweets

This store offers Japanese candies, which have different from the rest of the desserts a special flavor.
Walk in the City

The Brownie Box

The Brownie Box

This store may be the Kingdom of Brownie with many types provided that, do not hesitate to go to this little store if you’re a fan Brownie.
Park in the Box

 Rice Creamery

Rice Creamery

This kind of desserts favored by adults and children, a rice sugar with different flavors.
Walk in the City

Gam Jar

Gam Jar

Finally, if you love you Doughnuts, this store offers all kinds of attractive way
In Dubai Mall

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