Dubai Spice Souk flavors and cultures

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Dubai Spice Souk flavors and cultures

Dubai Spice Souk flavors and cultures

Once the step into even smell the smells of cardamom, saffron and musk, incense wafting in place Vtbos curious to see exhibits, it is the large market in Deira and known as the “Spice Market”, and is one of the oldest markets in Dubai, located on the north bank of the creek, built since 160 years, and has been called by some – market Aldoaat- relative to the natural herbs that were sold it along with spices and seasonings used as a medicine for patients, and is characterized by a manner designed and built on the traditional system, the whole Vamahal from one floor and covered pillars of wood made of palm fronds, and is located on the sea directly behind the gold market, and the goods come from different countries of the world to him, where ships dock in the creek and the movement of goods into the shops.

Come to many market of different nationalities, including also tourists who came to visit and buy souvenirs as one of Dubai’s heritage landmarks, and an example of the blending of the existing, combining ancient and modern in that, all come to buy spices, one of the basics of food preparation, and distinguish different Nkhadtha kitchens for some , Arab Valmtbouk different from Japanese or European depending on the flavors that you add these spices for food.

Once your on the alleys of the spice market .. scrambling to nose with the smell of cardamom, saffron and musk, incense and pure as if in a race to define itself .. Because the odor active memory and help in the retrieval of memories stored mind, flowing memories when your market, and emits a nice feeling inside reminds you of the days of boyhood and odors spices and dishes that Tdhuguetha for the first time.

Dubai Spice Souk flavors and cultures

Extending over a large area in the old market area of ​​the painting carries with it the past and fragrant memories of the popular market, which was characterized by the charm of the overlap each other in the market is. Simply vendors who offer their products ..

When you visit the market to meet the tens of humanity faces and belonging to different civilizations .. of them tourists who came to visit and buy souvenirs as one of Dubai’s heritage landmarks, all looking for a certain type to enter it in a private recipe or use a medicine balmy of some diseases .. do not hesitate to ask about This type that .. between mobile shops that they might find something special and despite the difficulty of the language of communication between vendors and customers are no common language is the sense of smell and touch to make sure of the type.

In addition to what you add to the food of good taste, the spices are rich in minerals needed by the human body and each contains calcium required to build bone as some types of which contain vitamins such as iron, beta-carotene and other materials needed by the body as anti-oxidants.

Featuring market Batsall and diversity of exhibits, which are not limited to spices, but it includes some shops specialized in the sale of carpets and fabrics, utensils, souvenirs and many others.

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